
How to Take the Best Maternity Pictures Outside in Your Own Backyard

Expecting a baby is a memorable experience involving an incredible journey until birth. The best way to document every step of the journey is by taking pictures. You’re probably wondering how you can take the best maternity pictures outside in your backyard. Your partner might want to help with props and get candid shots of the two of you together. Or maybe you’re just looking for some close-up images of your bump. You can have a beautiful maternity shoot without traveling to a new location. All you need is your backyard and some props, which are easy to find in any home store or online. The key is to enjoy being pregnant and having fun, so don’t worry about looking perfect.

You can do some things in your backyard to get those fantastic shots without going to the studios. The outdoors provides a unique backdrop for your maternity photos, and nothing can distort or wash out your images in nature as they would indoors. It’s also relaxing as you’ll feel cozy and relaxed while taking these images. Resting while sitting outside is easy, but don’t forget to bring plenty of pillows. Let’s look at the below tips and tricks for creating beautiful maternity shots without crowding into a studio or paying sky-high prices.


There are things you should consider before you start taking your maternity pictures. First, if you’re planning on taking maternity photos outside, it’s vital to research all that’s involved in getting that perfect shot to avoid ending up with bad pictures that disappoint. It’s best to plan the entire shoot at least two weeks in advance and give yourself enough time to prepare. Next, plan out what types of props and backgrounds you want for each photo shoot. If possible, find items such as trees, flowers, or other exciting plants from your garden that look good enough to appear in photos but won’t take up too much space while shooting. Finally, you can invite an arborist to come and assess any trees in your backyard. They can advise on the type of tree that would work best for this particular shoot. When taking photos outdoors at home, trees are a conspicuous element. The right tree services provider will come out to assess and offer suggestions.


If possible, pick a location where you won’t be interrupted by other people or animals while taking pictures. Choose a spot that’s unique, safe, and easy to access. Your backyard can be the perfect backdrop for some memorable shots, especially if you live in an area with beautiful scenery. Maternity photos taken outdoors can be a lovely way to celebrate your pregnancy and you want to take advantage of nature. You can rely on exterior lighting or flash if the weather doesn’t cooperate.

There are so many places to take maternity photos in your backyard. You can choose from various natural lights, green spaces, and landscapes. All it takes is to get the best landscapers, and you are good to take the best maternity pictures any time you like. Of course, the best location utilizes the best parts of the setting you have available to you. Pick an outdoor area with lots of natural light to ensure that photos turn out well-lit.

What to Wear for Your Maternity Shoot

Regarding clothing, you should keep a few things in mind. First, you want the pictures to be as flattering as possible while ensuring that you are comfortable and can move freely without feeling restricted. Choose a color that makes you feel good about yourself. Some pregnant women look fantastic in pastels, but if those colors don’t match your complexion or body type, stick with more muted tones instead.

Your hair is one of your most important assets, so it’s paramount to look your best. First, invest in a great blowout at the hair styling salon. Once you get outside, try to avoid the intense sun heat with hats and sunscreen. If you must wear your hair down, use a clip for ponytails or buns to keep it out of your face. You can also try braids that hang along your neck or for a more casual look.

Maternity Photography Pose Ideas

When considering maternity photography, there are several ways to make striking poses. First, you can use your body to create the pose and prop it up with objects around you. Posing is about showcasing your bump, belly, legs, and arms. If you’re planning on taking pictures in the middle of the day when other people are around, you can still get great shots while keeping things simple. Pose in a way that shows off your adorable baby bump. Show it off by standing up straight with both hands on your hips or throwing yourself into a pouty. You can put one arm behind your head while posing with the other hand. You can even try leaning against something like a doorframe.

When taking photos outside, try to position yourself, so you’re standing on top of a rock or tree stump. Trees can provide a fantastic backdrop for your photos, especially when they bloom. The branches of trees can almost always help as props, making them perfect for photographing families outdoors. You can get the right tree for your maternity pictures with the help of tree arborists. They can help you find the ideal spot to take pictures and can also help craft a custom background for your photos. Finally, you can use a friend or photographer with experience taking maternity photos.

Add Props

Props can be anything from umbrellas to flowers or trees. Ensure they’re sturdy enough to hold up under windy conditions. You can use landscape products like flowers, leaves, toys, or branches as props in your maternity photography session outside. Props help you tell a story and feel more comfortable in front of the camera. You can use roses as backgrounds for your shots and stand out from the crowd. A dog or cat can be an excellent addition to your maternity photo shoot. Pet services will bring them to your yard, where you can use them as props to make the best maternity pictures.

Consider Different Times of the Day

The great thing about taking pictures outdoors is that you can access the sun, which gives you natural lighting. Look for sunsets or sunrises while they’re still warm to give your photos a more dramatic feel. You can also use outdoor lighting if you wish. A sunny day is ideal, but if it’s cloudy or overcast, there are ways to get around that through an electrical lighting service provider.

Decide What You Want the Photos to Look Like

Do you want a photo of a couple embracing on the couch? Or perhaps one photo of your belly resting in your favorite chair as you read a book? Whatever your vision, maternity photos are an excellent way to document your pregnancy and the significant changes in your body.

Use Different Perspectives

The best maternity pictures capture the moment and tell a story using different perspectives to create a warm and cozy feeling. For example, if you’re sitting on a bench or on the grass, raise your camera just enough to capture your friend or family member in full glory. If standing up, have someone hold their hand or arm around them for support. If you’re on a blanket in the grass with a picnic basket nearby, have someone hold up their hand so you can get lost in the moment and get some fantastic shots of motherhood from above.

Play With Colors

Maternity photos make good memories of your pregnancy. Many women want their maternity photos to be the best they’ve ever taken, so why not make them more colorful? Use natural light and try to capture a soft and romantic mood. If you have a big backyard, consider taking the picture under a large shade tree or in front of an open window. Using props such as blue umbrellas or pastel flowers, you can also play with color in your photo.

Spice Up Your Photo With Accessories

You can’t go wrong with jewelry, scarves, and hats. Sunglasses protect your eyes from direct sunlight, and they’re also stylish. If you want to keep it simple, try wearing an all-black outfit with your sunglasses and maybe some earrings or a watch. In addition, you can wear necklaces over shirts, bracelets on your wrists, anklets around your ankles, and socks.

Take Close-Up Shots

Taking close-up shots is a great way to show off your best features. If you want to get the most out of your maternity pictures, try taking close-up photos of you and your baby bump. You can stand up straight, put your hand on your belly, and then move around, so your bump is visible from different angles. It is one of the best ways to capture the uniqueness of each pregnancy, as no two expectant moms look the same.

Involve Your Partner

Involving your partner will make the maternity photos much more fun for everyone. When planning to shoot your best maternity pictures, it’s vital to include everyone. Your partner will support you and help you take the best maternity pictures. You want to include them in the images because they are part of your family and play a role in your journey.

If you have kids, try getting them to pose with an old toy or something from the yard. They will add to the fun and give you more options for poses. The best maternity pictures should include a photo of you and your partner standing outdoors with your hands on the children’s heads. You can have them stand before you, giving the picture more dimension.

Belly Hug

A belly hug is a perfect way to capture a special moment with your family. This classic maternity pose will look great in any pregnancy photo. It’s warm and cozy, and you can do it anywhere. The best part is that it only takes one person’s hands to complete the job. So, it is an intimate and beautiful pose you can take with your partner. The key to the best maternity pictures is to get close enough that you two almost touch each other’s bellies and then let your partner cup their hands around your belly. That will give them the chance to feel your baby kick or move around inside of you while allowing you both to enjoy the intimacy of the moment.

Back-to-Back Pose

A back-to-back pose is about having fun and enjoying being together as a family. This pose is especially great for pregnant women who want to stretch out and show off their growing stomachs. You can have your partner stand behind you so they can wrap their arms around both sides of your body.

Incorporate Your Fun Activities

Your pregnancy is a significant change in your life, and you’re probably anxious about how to best capture the experience. Incorporating your hobbies is the key to taking the best maternity pictures outside. It’s easy to take photos in the backyard when you already have a lovely garden. It’s usually full of greenery and flowers, making beautiful scenery and great backgrounds for your photos. You can incorporate your hobbies into your maternity portraits by using them as props or by having fun in the natural environment you’ve created. For example, try planting flowers in a vase if you love working with flowers. These flowers add color while still being appropriate for any season.

It is possible to take the best maternity pictures in your backyard. You can capture the milestone moment in your life and do it with our help. These tips will excite you about getting out there and documenting those special moments of motherhood. If you are seeking more ideas on how to take great outdoor maternity photos in your backyard, call us for more.

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