For homeowners, stable foundations are the crux of the confidence they have in their homes. If a home has a stable foundation, virtually everything else can be dealt with and managed. But foundations are at risk every day from sloping that is too severe to flooding issues from storms and rising water levels. If you are experiencing foundation troubles, a foundation repair service might be the first number you need to call.
Floods are the number one disaster in America, according to the National Flood Insurance Program, or NIP. Cleaning up after a flood can be a devastating prospect, depending, of course, on how great the flooding. Any organic items such as bedding, towels, sheets, and any upholstery should be removed from the flooded area and dried. If these items don’t dry within two days, you should throw them away completely. Molding will begin to form after the first 48-hour window of time and once mold begins to form, it’s very difficult to contain and clean.
Getting rid of the water in the basement should be of first importance to prevent mold growth along the walls and on the floor. A pedestal sump pump will be a very effective way to do this and will usually last 25 to 30 years if they are installed properly and are free from debris.
Before you find yourself in need of a foundation repair service, it might be in your best interests to look into basement waterproofing. If you experience much flooding, this is a good first step in preventing the need for foundation repairs due to floods. A wet basement is a prime spot for mold and with mold comes a great deal of expense for cleaning it out.
Fixing basement leaks and foundation cracks can be done by a quality foundation repair service. First, however, you will need a foundation report know as an Engineer’s Report.
The Engineer’s Report is a report that is prepared by a licensed structural engineer outlining what is wrong with your foundation and what steps should be taken to repair it. The report typically concerns only those areas related to the substructure of the house. Many cities require engineer?s reports before beginning the process of foundation repair.
The foundation of any house or building is arguably the most important feature of the building or house itself. Making sure your foundation is solid will be a life-long exercise in diligence. If you live in or near a high flood zone, take the precautions beforehand to seal your foundation with a waterproof sealant.
If you do have regular flooding issues, find the best foundation repair service you can find. A company you can trust to handle your foundation with care and expertise. It is always better to prepare in advance for any emergencies than to have an emergency completely devastate you.