Three Clever Garden Shed Design Tips You Probably Didn’t Think Of

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One of the most popular types of sheds in America is garden sheds. About 21 million people in the UK have a shed, and they’re similarly popular in the U.S. Homeowners usually decide to add a garden shed to their property in the spring, so if you’re thinking about it, here are a few garden shed design tips to keep in mind.

1. Add at least one window.
Since the purpose of a garden shed is to serve partly as a storage space and partly as a work space, you should make sure that you add at least one window. This way, you’ll have a natural light source in the shed so you can see when you’re working. Make the window easy to open so that you can get fresh air while you’re working inside. Having a window in your garden shed also allows light to reach plants or saplings you’re starting but aren’t ready to plant.

2. Use as much vertical space as possible.
When you’re designing a small space, it’s important to think vertically. You’ll want to be able to use as much space as possible without taking up too much precious real estate on your lawn. Cheap garden sheds are usually small and don’t have very high ceilings, but custom sheds should be designed with high ceilings and high shelves.

3. Don’t forget a gardener’s table.
When you’re designing your garden shed, make sure you keep storage and use in mind. Most people (77%) said in a survey that they use their garden shed to store old tools, and if you’re planning on working in your shed you’re going to need a table as well. It’s going to be easier to build a table during construction of the shed than it will be to try to get a huge table through the door.

Do you have any tips for good garden shed design? Feel free to share them with us in the comments section below!

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