Our troops protect our freedom every single day, and while saying “thank you” is the least we can do, it’s always nice to go the extra mile and show them you really care. All around the country, people are showing their military support by donating to charity, and you can do the same to provide them with a great holiday experience.
Many veterans come home after long trips overseas without the means to buy presents for their family to exchange. They often find it difficult to obtain work upon returning and depend on the military support of people just like you to maintain a sense of normalcy during the holidays. These days, some charities for military families even pick up donations directly from your home, and you can help these families have a fantastic holiday while also aiding the environment.
- Military support. Veterans often struggle financially when they return from duty, and your donations make all the difference in helping them assimilate back into society. The unemployment rate for veterans in the United States is about 2% above the national average, and debt is a common issue for these families during the holidays. In fact, approximately 27% of military families in the U.S. have over $10,000 in credit card debt. This makes buying presents nearly impossible, and by simply giving gently-used clothing donations to a great local charity, you can give veterans and their families the presents they deserve.
- Help the environment. While military support is the primary reason that everyone should donate, consider how much your donations help the environment. Our negligence when it comes to recycling is truly appalling, and the clothes we throw out every year could just as easily go to less fortunate families in the community. An estimated 90% of clothing and textiles thrown out in the U.S. during 2011 could have been recycled or reused, and that number has remained fairy stagnant in the past several years.
- Donation pickup services. If you’re still unsure about donating to show your military support and help the environment this holiday season, consider how easy it is to donate in 2015. The best charitable donation services offer donation pickup directly from your home, meaning you don’t even have to leave your home to give back during the holidays. Simply schedule a time to have a representative from your local charity pick up the donations and they’ll be gone before you can say “candy cane.”
The giving spirit is stronger during the holidays than any other time of the year, and everyone has a great opportunity to show their military support and give back to those who need it the most. Gather up some donations for deserving families this holiday season and have them picked up directly from your home. Happy holidays!