Here are 3 Steps to Take When Preparing Red Cross Clothing Donations

More clothing is being purchased and used in the United States than ever before. In fact, American consume nearly 20 billion garments a year. That’s 68 garments and 7 pairs of shoes per person or more than one piece of clothing purchased per week. As that works out to a lot of clothing per person, …

Behind The Many Benefits Of Taking The Time To Donate Old Clothing

To donate old clothing is something that can help out the world in a number of different ways. In fact, to donate old clothing is a great alternative to giving monetarily to a charity, something that a great many people simply are not able to do, thanks to the financial constraints in their lives. Giving …

Why You Should Donation To Red Cross

It’s that time of the year again! Summer is a time of joyful festivities for everyone, many of us traveling with our family and friends to enjoy three months of relaxation. However, summer also brings something more important than having fun—narratives of the less fortunate. Many citizens rely on charity organizations to last them through …

The Easiest Donation You’ll Ever Make

About 70% of citizens give to the charity of their choice each year. Are you one of them? It should be noted that out of the entirety of income made by these people, only 3% is actually donated. It seems the number would be higher then, if the majority of the population makes a point …

Schedule a Red Cross Pickup for Your Charitable Donations

Are you planning to make used clothing donations? If so, have you considered making your clothes donations to the American Red Cross? Each and every day of the year, the American Red Cross provides assistance to families and communities in need. In addition to giving blankets, food, and shelter, they also provide blood from their …

You Could Be Missing Out on Great Bargains Why More Americans are Shopping Thrift

Are you in the process of buying a new home? Furnishing an entire home can be so overwhelming: you have to buy everything from rugs to curtains at the same time. Trying to decide upon patterns and styles can be time-consuming, but if you take a trip to your local Red Cross donation center or …