Have you ever heard somebody say that they went furniture shopping at an Amish store and really regretted their purchase? Yeah, didn’t think so. But if never hearing bad reviews about Amish furniture isn’t enough to convince you, then here are three other good reasons to check out your local furniture seller before running out to a big chain distributor:
1. Quality An Amish woodworker really gives meaning to the phrase “wood crafting.” Many Amish built products are still made with techniques that are over 100 years old; i.e., they are made entirely by hand and without electricity. It’s pretty amazing that Amish furniture can still compete with mass-produced factory products, and you can be sure that people are still choosing to buy their furniture from an Amish store because quality is guaranteed.
2. Material Because all Amish built barns, sheds, and storage buildings are handcrafted, the builders can carefully choose which materials to use for each structure. You won’t have to worry about paying attention to the news for mass recalls on certain products, nor will you ever wonder whether your Amish built barns are sturdy enough to withstand a big rainstorm.
3. Flexibility Okay, the structures themselves aren’t flexible (that would actually be quite scary) but you have a lot of flexibility when choosing which structure is best for you. Whether you need a small storage shed for miscellaneous gardening tools or you have your own woodcrafting business and need a safe place to store bulky equipment, you can choose from many different sizes and styles already built (and many places even give you the opportunity to design your own structure).
Even if you don’t live near an Amish community, there are many re-sellers across the country who can bring Amish built barns (including Amish horse barns), Amish storage sheds, and Amish built garages directly from the builders and straight to your doorstep. Many outdoor furniture specialists also offer various outdoor furniture pieces, so you can bring a bit of Amish culture into your home even if you don’t have the room for a whole storage building. For more about this, go here.