Make Your New Year’s Resolution About Giving with These Three Tips for Donating to Charity

Make a donation

If you’re like many people, you can take great pride in donating to the less fortunate. Donations of clothing, food, household goods, and toys are all especially welcome during the holidays, but some people don’t know where exactly to give those items. However, when considering the best charities to donate to, it’s important to know that there is really no right or wrong way to give, as long as you do your research before writing a check or bagging up your donated items.

If you are thinking about giving to charity this holiday season or for the New Year, but you’re unsure of where start, here are some tips on the best causes to donate to:

Give Donations to Children’s Charity Organizations
For children in need clothing donations and other charitable acts of giving can be a lifesaver. Common children in need clothing donations can include outerwear for the winter, such as coats, boots, snowsuits, gloves, scarves, hats, and more; however, clothing for all seasons is generally accepted by charities. These organizations also help out the parents of those children by helping them develop simpler budgets for their household expenses.

Above All, Think and Give Locally
It’s important to choose a cause that means something to you, whether it involves donating to children’s charities or not. The best place to start when it comes to giving, however, is right in your backyard (figuratively speaking). Find out which charities in your area do the most to give back to the community. You can also see which charities could use a bit more support, too, and use that to make your decision on donating.

But You Can Think Globally, Too
Although giving locally can often have the maximum impact, it’s crucial to consider how “global” those charities are when it comes to issues like sustainability. In addition to choosing charities that help local populations, you should also vet them based on the environmental impact they have. Check to see which organizations in your area count as green charities; for example, those who recycle their leftover clothing donations rather than throwing them away are helping to do their part for the planet and may be more deserving of your donations.

Have you made giving one of your New Year’s Resolutions for 2015? Tell us about how you plan to give or ask questions about donating in the comments section below.

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