Looking for an Assisted Living Center? Here Are Some Tips to Find the Right One

Elder care services

It can be hard to talk to someone about the possibility of moving into an assisted living facility. It is hard to admit to yourself that your parents may not be able to care for themselves any more. The good news ia that a lot has changed in the past few years in terms of how people view assisted living communities. Many people who live in independent living centers actually like it. According to a recent survey, nearly 84% of respondents said they liked the assisted living community where they live and nearly 85% would recommend theirs to a friend or family member. If you find it is too much to provide home health care to your aging parents, looking into nearby homes for seniors.

How to Find an Assisted Living Facility for Your Parents:

  • Talk to your friends and family.More and more people are entering assisted living communities every day. This means, you probably know at least one person who has gone through the proess with their parents or loved ones. Even if they did not find a facility that they love, they can give you a sense of how they found centers and what kinds of places they looked at. Even if they saw a few that they did not like, that information can help you when looking for a place for your parents. When you find your parents need more care than home health aides can provide, your friends can be a good resource for information and support.
  • Look online.Most facilities have websites and will include testimonials from former and current clients. You can also look on sites like Yelp and Facebook. Many centers that offer assisted living options for seniors are graded by Health Grades and WedMD. Remember when you look at anonymous posts that people are much more likely to leave complaints than compliments so weigh these comments accordingly. The more reliable comments with have more detalls that just a line that says something like, “This place sucks!”
  • Talk to your parents’ doctor.The physicians who treat your parents know a lot about them and their needs. They may also have a deent amount of experience dealing with area assisted living centers. If your parents also have home heath aides coming in, they may be able to steer you in the right direction. Whatever you do, make sure you talk about your concerns with your parents before talking to any third parties. Many doctors can also point you in the right direction to find elder care services and home health options.
  • Visit a few facilities.All facilities are different. Some offer full time medical care that is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Others only have people check on the residents a time or two each day. This may help you rule out (or in) som options depending on what your parents’ needs are. Talk to the centers about the activities they offer their resident. The more active your parents are, the more happy they are likely to be. Seniors who engage in three or four activies on a regular basis report being much happier than those who do not. The most unhappy retirees only particpate in one or two regular activities. Make sure the center you select for your parents will give them a chance to do the things they love to do.
  • Visit the facilities during meal time.There is a direct link between eating good food and an improved quality of life. Mpst assisted living centers offer meals to the people who live there. If you visit during meal time, you can get a taste of the food but also have the chance to talk to some of the residents about what is really like to live there. Talking to residents can help give you a better sense of how the staff and resident get along and interact.

Many seniors report enjoying life after retirement more than they expected. According to one survey, clearly half of retirees are enjoying their post work life. As the United States population ages, more and more resources are available for home health care and assisted living communities. More. Good references.

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