Did you know that 70% of people in the U.S. give to charity each year? That is a heartwarming number, because donations that people give really go a long way. Donations made by individuals and families help those affects by many different things including poverty, chronic health issues or serious illnesses, education, the homeless, and those who were affected by a disaster like a tornado, flood, or hurricane. While you might see it as just getting rid of some clothing and other items in your home that you outgrew or that no longer serves a purpose, others see it as items that really help to improve their quality of life. Many times, charity shops and thrift stores help employ those with disabilities or donate part of the proceeds to research and help.
If you’re thinking of giving away some of your old clothing and textiles this year, here are some way that it can affect a family. The holidays are a perfect time to donate, so look through your closets and grab some garbage bags to fill and bring to your local Red Cross donation site or Red Cross pickup!
1. You can help them get a gift for Christmas
Many families struggle with financial issues, as they can come out of nowhere and affect anyone. During the holidays especially when money can be tight, many families struggle with being able to afford gifts for their members. Your clothing donations mean that a child’s parents might have access to clothing that is priced lower that they can purchase and give to their children as a gift. A mother might have a daughter looking for a nice dress, and your old dress might be exactly what she is looking for. A son might be looking for a new blanket for his bedroom, and now his parents have better access to getting one for him. You can really change someone’s Christmas if you donate clothing to your nearest Red Cross pickup.
2. You can help them stay warm
In many areas of the U.S., winters can be very brutal and families can struggle to stay warm. By offering old clothing to a Red Cross pickup, you can help them have better access to lower-priced clothing to keep warm, like sweaters, pants, and jackets. You can also donate old textiles like blankets and towels. Blankets and quilts can really help families stay warm as well this holiday season. Can you think of any old blankets, towels, quilts, and clothing that can go to a family in need? Your American Red Cross clothing donations can greatly help these families.
The holidays are the season of giving, and right now is the time to give away old clothing. Not only are you cleaning out your home for the new year ahead, but you are also helping families across the nation have a happier holiday season themselves. Donate clothes today!