Want To Create A Better Night’s Sleep For Your Baby? Waterproof Sheets Are The Way To Go

Baby fitted crib sheets

Are you thinking of revamping your baby’s room? You may want to look into buying a baby sheet protector or crib fitted sheet. Your baby’s crib is where they spend a lot of their time resting and playing, so the last thing you want to do is create an uncomfortable environment. Even the nicest looking sheets can still pave the way for skin irritations and bed bugs if not properly checked, so let’s take a look at the top five most common questions asked and what you should know when looking for waterproof sheets for baby.

How Long Do Children Sleep?

Your baby needs plenty of rest to grow physically and mentally. The average newborn will sleep a total of 10 to 18 hours per day, making their crib one of the most important locations you can put your time and money into. School-aged children, from 1st to 5th grade, get nine hours of sleep on average — experts, however, recommend 10 to 11 hours. Waterproof sheets for baby are designed from the ground up to be accommodating, comfortable and easy to clean no matter the accidents or spills.

How Long Do Adults Sleep?

While adults don’t need to sleep quite as long, it’s still recommended by most doctors you don’t skimp out on your necessary REM cycle. The average adult should get eight to nine hours of sleep consistently to stay healthy, mentally fit and happy. Nearly three-quarters of respondents to a recent survey say they get a more comfortable night’s sleep on sheets with a nice, fresh scent, while another 78% said they are more excited to go to bed when their sheets are clean. No matter the age, some things never seem to change!

What If My Child Wets The Bed?

Wetting the bed is one of the most common issues for young children. Around 15% of children will still wet the bed at the age of five. Waterproof sheets for baby are the perfect option for those unexpected accidents, absorbing any and all liquids while reducing odor. Most Americans at 82% find one extra hour of sleep at night either somewhat or extremely valuable. With waterproof fitted bed sheets, everyone can stand to benefit!

What Are Common Issues From Poor Sheets?

Mediocre sheets get dirty very easily. When these aren’t regularly cleaned they can contribute to skin irritation and bed bugs, both of which are highly irritating and can keep your child from getting their necessary rest. Babies need two to three baths per week in warm — never hot — water to stay clean and healthy. The ideal baby bath is one at an ideal temperature with no more than two to three inches of water. A lesser known tip found through controlled trials is massaging premature infants with sunflower seed oil three times daily, reducing sepsis by 41%.

What Type Of Sheets Should I Buy?

Knowing what kind of sheets to buy will help both you and your child get the best night’s sleep possible. Thread count, to start off, is the number of threads woven into each square inch of fabric — the horizontal is called the ‘weft’ and the vertical is called the ‘warp’. Industry experts say most weavers will state the maximum number of threads that can be woven into a square inch is around 500, in some cases 600. A durable linen is any percale with a thread count between 200 to 800. If you want lighter sheets, however, a 400 thread count sheet can be the soft and gentle option you’re looking for. With a waterproof fitted sheet, a good night’s sleep and cleaner environment is all ready to go.

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