Moving Tips for New Moms

Having a baby is one of the biggest life changes you will ever experience. However, if you’re also moving on top of that, then what’s the best way to adapt to all these dramatic shifts in your life?

If you wish to learn more about some top moving tips for expecting mothers, continue reading.

First, Talk to Your Doctor

While you may be anxious to move into your new place, make sure to get the ‘okay’ from your doctor. If you’re considered a high-risk pregnancy, they may advise you to wait until your baby is born.

Set Time Aside to Relax While Moving

Need tips for expecting mothers who struggle to relax?

Your baby can tell when you’re feeling anxious and stressed. To have the healthiest pregnancy possible, make time for yourself. This can be something as simple as taking a hot shower while listening to your favorite song. Perhaps, prep your favorite dessert. You can also book a massage session with your spouse to relieve any tension.

Other Ways to Relax in the Midst of Moving While Pregnant

However, there are several other ways you can relax while moving during your pregnancy. You can also begin the process earlier so that you can take your time. For example, instead of trying to move all of your things into your new place on the weekend, take a week off to complete the task. Entrust a friend to help you so that you’re not doing most of the heavy lifting.

Also, learn to pace yourself. While it may be tempting to stay up all night moving, this can take a toll on your physical and mental health, so get quality rest when you can. Those boxes will be there in the morning.

Safety While Moving When You’re Pregnant

Do not move any heavy boxes if you’re getting close to your due date. Squatting down too low is also unadvisable. If you’re in your second trimester, refrain from lifting anything heavier than 20-40 pounds. These next few tips for expecting mothers are meant to keep you and your little one safe and comfy.

Avoid Toxic Chemicals

Cleaning your old home is customary when moving into a new one. However, try to get someone else to scrub the floors. You want to avoid toxic chemicals like bleach, as much as you can.

A cleaning service can make the old home look like new for the next resident.

Learn How to Cope With the Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a common symptom of pregnancy. However, most first time moms may not know that it doesn’t exclusively hit in the morning. No, this wave of nausea can hit at any point in the day. If it strikes while you’re moving, implement some of these tips for expecting mothers to get you through the discomfort.

  • Select foods that are easy to digest
  • Rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash after vomiting to preserve the enamel on your teeth
  • Take a few minutes to recuperate
  • Eat a saltine cracker to settle your stomach
  • Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day to make sure you’re staying hydrated
  • Take your prenatal vitamins with meals
  • Pay close attention to your triggers, as a certain smell or food may be the reason you’re feeling sick

Don’t Forget About Your Doctor’s Appointments While Moving

Keep up with your appointments during this time. Hire a packing service to make sure these doctor-related tips for expecting mothers don’t slip your mind.

Additionally, if you’re moving to a new state, find a new and qualified pediatrician to take care of you and your child when your due date comes.

Ask for Help if You Need to Sell Your House

Need to sell your home? It’s a good idea if you don’t have the time nor the energy to rent it out. If you choose to sell, find a qualified real estate agent to help you make the tough decisions. They can put in on the market for you, and keep you updated with every offer that comes your way.

Creating the Perfect Nursery When Moving

Of course, one of the most exciting parts about moving when pregnant is preparing your baby’s nursery. Here’s some advice on how to craft the perfect room that will get you even more excited about your little one coming into the world. A van rental service can help transport any of their furniture, however, here’s some advice on how to make the nursery look even more stunning.

Pick a Theme or Color Palate

Picking a theme or a consistent color palette will make the decorating process easier. It will also inspire you! For example, if you want your baby to grow up loving animals, a jungle theme is a great idea. Commission an artist to paint a mural, or do it yourself with some help from a partner or friend.

If You Wish to Save Money, Purchase Secondhand Furniture for Your Nursury

You’ll need to add a changing table, a crib, and a rocking chair to your baby’s nursery. If you want something durable and safe, but still budget-friendly, consider buying these items second-hand.

If you have any old furniture that seems too dangerous for your baby, get a dumpster rental to throw out any old junk before packing up your things for the big move.

Decorate the Ceiling

Babies spend most of their time on their backs, so give them something fun and interesting to look at. Add glow in the dark stars, or paint a design onto the ceiling.

Have a System for Storing and Sorting Their Outfits

Ensure that your nursery has enough room for you to sort through all of their clothes. They’re likey to go through four to six outfits every single day!

You also want it to be easy to do their laundry, so set up several bins for all of those bundles of baby laundry — have a bin for lights and darks to keep their clothes in great condition.

Install a Dimmer Switch

If the room doesn’t come with a dimmer switch, make sure to install one. A dimmer switch allows you to keep the lights on low while your little one is napping. However, if you have to enter the nursery for whatever reason, you’ll be able to see clearly without disrupting their sweet newborn dreams.

Leave Enough Room For Them to Grow

While it may be tempting to fill their room with every toy and baby gadget you see while out shopping, make sure to leave enough room for them to grow. They’ll soon get too big for their crib and need a normal bed as they enter their toddler stage. Therefore, make sure you’re leaving enough open space in their nursery for them to run around and play.

Give Yourself a Corner to Breastfeed or Pump

If you choose to breastfeed or pump, make sure to leave a corner for yourself to put your feet up and relax while feeding your bundle of joy.

Install a White Noise Machine

White noise machines have been known to improve your baby’s sleep patterns. It will also allow them to adapt to all of the noises in your home so that you can go about your chores for the day without disturbing them.

Other Ways You Can Prepare the Home for Your New Baby

However, prepping the nursery isn’t the only way you can prepare your baby for their new home. These tips for expecting mothers will ensure that your home is babyproofed.

Stay on Top of Your Heating and Cooling Units

Living in a home that’s lacking in the heating and cooling department is absolute torture! And no one wants to subject their baby to harsh climates within their own home. Therefore, make sure everything is working in your new home, and that includes your HVAC system.

Enlist in a Garbage Service to Help Keep Your Home Clean and Odor-free

These household tips for expecting mothers will ensure that your house smells fresh so that you can impress guests and family members.

You can clean your home all day, but if you’re not taking the trash out regularly, the odors WILL linger. This is not the kind of news you want to hear as a soon-to-be-mom, as it means those dirty diapers can stink up the entire home. But don’t waste your time stressing about waste — a residential waste removal service can help you keep your home feeling and smelling as clean as the day you moved in.

Get the Roof Fixed Immediately

Every pregnant woman has experienced the following scenario. They feel fatigued all day, but the second their head hits their pillow, they can’t get a wink of sleep. It can be frustrating and made worse by all those little noises in your home. For example, a leaking roof can keep you up all night. You must get your roof checked for leaks as soon as you move in, to prevent them from getting worse, and keeping you up throughout the night when you should be resting. New homes don’t tend to have this problem, but if you’ve moved into an older house with a 15-year-old roof, you may need to invest in a brand new one.

Baby-Proof Other Areas of the Home

Once your baby starts walking, it’ll be hard to keep them in one place. Think about baby proofing your home now, during the moving process. Purchase plenty of baby gates and stop up the electrical sockets with rubber plugs. Make sure that the drawers that are easy to reach are locked up so that your curious baby doesn’t stick their nose where it doesn’t belong.

These tips for expecting mothers will allow you to relax, and not worry about your child getting harmed once they’re mobile.

Fix Up the Backyard

If you’re moving into a home with a yard, make sure to fix it up before the baby comes.

Going outside to enjoy the fresh air will give you some peace of mind too. Not to mention that once your baby reaches toddler age, they’ll need plenty of space to move around and have fun.

Find Help During the Moving Process

These tips for expecting mothers are useful, but asking for help can make the process painless.

After all, moving all of your beloved things from one side of town to the other can be one of the most challenging things you will do during your pregnancy. This process can be amplified if you’re moving to another state!

Therefore, hire a van service or moving company to help you take care of the heavy lifting.

Document the Moment

Need sentimental tips for expecting mothers?

Packing up and moving will keep you and your movers so busy, you might even forget that you’re pregnant. Therefore, preserve those little memories. Every time you feel a little kick or flutter, stop and appreciate the moment, instead of getting caught up in all of life’s stressful moments. Document your pregnancy with photos.


Pregnancy is a huge milestone. But so is moving into a new home. If you just so happen to be experiencing both of these milestones at the same time, try not to stress. Remember to put your health and the health of your child first.

If you need some ideas on how to stay sane during this time, implement these tips for expecting mothers, and the moving process is bound to go by smoothly.

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