Is Your Family Looking for an Affordable Daycare?

Affordable daycare

Ever since the first set of election results rolled across the bottom of the TV screen last night you have been dreading this morning’s daycare drop off. You simply were not looking forward to the loud and what you consider to be of noxious opinions of a couple of the other daycare parents. Although the election results had not gone the way you and your husband would’ve wanted, you knew from other daycare drop off mornings that a couple of the families at your center would be very happy 2016 presidential election results.
Fortunately, what are you arrived for the drop off this morning other than a few knowing smile in the head nods the talk of the election did not really happen. Instead, the parents who were also dropping off they’re young and friends and preschool children were far more occupied with the big news of one of the older preschool siblings. It seems that last night while the whole country was preparing to hear the results of what was arguably one of the strangest presidential campaigns in history this first grade older sibling had some very big news of his own. He had lost his first tooth and had surprised his parent by offering to go to bed even earlier than normal in anticipation of his first visit from the legendary tooth fairy.
And while you have braces for self for some serious discussions during the early morning drop off, you were pleasantly surprised that instead of talking about voter percentages and referendum results, you instead got to look at the gaping hole in a first grader’s mouth and congratulate him on his big win from the legendary tooth fairy.
As it should be, the world was not going to come to an end based on last nights election results instead it was just beginning for all of the parents and children who helped is big loss. And just like that, discussions of tooth fairies and big payouts made for a far easier transition then you could’ve expected the day after the 2016 Presidential Election.
Do Discussions of Affordable Daycare Take More of Your Time Than the Results of the Latest Election Results?
It may come as no surprise in a country where as many as 66% of Americans agree the government or businesses should be doing more to help fund child care for working parents, daycare is a hot topic for many adults. For while today’s parents and grandparents may have grown up in homes where a parent stayed home with the youngest children, this is a luxury that is not available to many of today’s parents. The discussion of available local daycare services, in fact, is a hot topic year round. Knowing that you have a safe and affordable place with a loving and caring staff that is willing to watch your youngest children while you are at work is a top priority. consider some of the top things that families look for when they are making childcare choices fro their children:

  • What are the educational opportunities? It is no secret the early years in a child’s development matter. In fact, during the first few years of life, research indicates that 700 new neural connections are formed every single second. Knowing that you are leaving your children, even the youngest, in an educationally enriched environment is important.
  • What are the strengths and qualifications of the staff members? Fewer than 33% of children today have a full-time, stay-at-home parent. Compared to 1975, just a generation ago, when more than 50% of all children had a stay-at-home parent, today’s statistics about daycare use is formidable. Knowing that you are leaving your child with a staff that is well trained and committed to the loving care of your child is very important.
  • What are the costs? Although no parent wants to admit that any kind of quality care is too expensive for their child, family budgets matter. Most two parent working families are looking for daycare because they need the incomes that both jobs provide. Shopping around and comparing prices allows families to make strong educational choices about caring centers that are at the same time affordable.

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