This is the time of year when many parents are in search of options for summer camps. In fact, for the parents who have not yet made plans for summer camps and other options this is the time of the year when panic begins to set in. The best schools often offer programs that will also allow students great opportunities during the months of June, July, and August. To remain competitive in today’s technology driven world, students need to take advantage of every opportunity. Often this means enrolling in the best opportunities, even in the summer.
Today’s summer programs offer a wide range of physical, social, and academic options that can help students of all ages find the advantages that they need.
Middle School and High School Camps Offer a Number of Options and Advantages
Although there was a time when summers were completely filled with long afternoons at the pool and hanging out with friends, these are times when the most high achieving students need to take advantage of every opportunity to beef up their resumes and continue the educational progress that they make during the school year. This does not mean, however, that day camps and other summer camps are all work. In fact, the very best options offer a good mix of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and active outdoor opportunities. From swimming to rock climbing and from white water rafting to archery, there are many typical camping activities that are incorporated into the best summer camp options.
The latest research indicates that as many as 2.63 million students were enrolled in private elementary schools in the U.S. in the year 2016, and while these are not the only schools that offer summer camps, there are many private schools that see the months of June, July, and August as a great way to help students stay on track and to earn extra income for the schools. Knowing that so many families consist of two full time working parents means that there are many who are looking for educational and worthwhile childcare options in the summer.
In fact, looking at students who are even younger, among three to five year olds who were enrolled in preschool programs in they year 2015, nearly 51% attended full-day programs. It is likely that many of these same students need care options year round, not just during the traditional school months. From the youngest of learners to middle school and high school students, there are many parents who are looking for academic, social, or recreational opportunities for their children.