10 Tips To Help Prepare First Time Parents

Motherhood is an exciting phase of a woman’s life. However, being a first-time parent, where it all begins, comes with its fair share of challenges. From the time you skip your periods to testing for pregnancy and all the intense emotions and apprehensions that come with finding you’re pregnant, expecting a child is a milestone most new parents are excited about but hardly prepared for. The results are positive! And you’re expecting a baby boy in the next few months. As a first time boy mom-to-be, you and your partner receive the news with joy and excitement. However, you may also be equally nervous; and for good reason.

You have no idea how this experience will be for you. This need not be the case. Here are a few tips to help you plan to be a first time boy mom. They’ll help you adjust so you can give your baby boy a conducive environment to grow up in.

1. Prepare Your Residence

As a first time boy mom, there’ll be many changes around your residence. You’re preparing for a baby boy. You don’t want to have your baby in a chaotic home. The house must be of good quality and as baby-friendly as possible.

If the baby finds you unprepared, it may cause tension in your home and wreak residential havoc. You might even start seeing the baby as a distraction. Thus, you need to prepare and arrange your house appropriately.

If you’re unsatisfied with your current house, look for a cost-effective one in a nice residential area. Know where the baby will sleep. See if the room is well-ventilated. Buy the baby a cot and bedding well in advance.

Organize everything nicely. Know where you’ll keep the baby’s clothes, whether in the wardrobe or the baby basket. If you need a helper around the house, know where they’ll sleep. This also applies to the case of bringing in a relative or a friend to help you take care of the baby in the first months.

If necessary, fence your home so your baby boy is secure. Mow the lawn. You don’t want predators invading your residence when your baby is sleeping. Look at weather forecasts to know the weather conditions around the time you expect your baby so you can prepare the baby’s room appropriately.

You should also consider the condition of your residential HVAC. Extremely hot or cold temperatures in the home can make a newborn uncomfortable. Since they can’t communicate with words, they’ll cry their lungs out to make you aware. Have a reputable HVAC service inspect your system for repair or maintenance needs. The earlier you do this, the better.

2. Consider Your Pet

As a first time boy mom, your residence will change to accommodate the baby. But there is your dog, your pet. Will you give it the same attention as before you had the baby boy? Are you going to do away with it completely? At this point, decisions have to be made.

For the first few months of nursing your baby boy, consider enlisting the help of a dog daycare near your residence. Without worrying about your furry friend, you can give your baby boy all the attention they need. Ask how much the daycare services cost, how and when they operate, and whether the dog daycare staff will pick up your dog or if you’ll have to drop them off yourself.

Find out whether they feed the dog and with what. Ask about other dog daycare services they offer. For example, washing the dog, taking it for a walk, and getting vaccinations. Acquaint yourself with the relevant rules and regulations.

It’s a good idea to be friendly to the staff. They can help you identify if your dog is exhibiting aggressiveness or unusual behavior. Dog daycare helps your dog fight loneliness. Since your dog can’t communicate with words as much as you may want, always check out its behavior when it’s back.

This will help you know if your dog is progressing well in the new environment. After ensuring your furry friend has somewhere to go during the day, you can now focus on caring for your baby boy, knowing that your dog is being taken care of. Thus, it won’t resent the new member of the family. Instead, it’ll be more friendly and protective of you and the baby.

3. Buy Baby Clothing

You’re going to become a first time boy mom. This means you need to buy clothes for the new family member. You want your infant to experience their first day of life in style, well dressed.

It’s time to check out some infant boutique clothing stores. When shopping for clothes, your belly will likely show, making everyday tasks difficult. You probably dread the simple act of getting up and walking. Luckily, you can safely shop online today.

Make a list of all the infant clothing you need. Doing this will be useful when checking out the different boutiques and comparing prices. Be on the lookout for offers. Set aside a day to go shopping for your baby boy so you don’t have to panic near your due date or resort to asking for favors from others.

This will also help you keep anxiety and pressure levels low. If you go to a store, let the shopping assistant know you’re expecting a baby boy. They’ll help you move around the store, showing you the right clothing. For example, they can point you to where you can find what your baby will need for the first three months.

Always keep your baby’s due date in mind, and get appropriate clothing way ahead. Buy clothes that are unique, neat, comfortable, and luxurious.

4. Take Care of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs may find their way to your house from the market or a crowded place you recently visited. They may also be there if you’re not very hygienic. This can be terrifying for a first time boy mom. You don’t want bed bugs to suck your baby boy’s blood at night, which will make him uncomfortable and cry a lot.

If your bouncing baby boy always cries, it won’t feed properly. This may derail his growth and lead to an infection. You want your baby boy to be clean and comfortable. Once bed bugs get into your house, getting rid of them takes a lot of work and luck.

However, the earlier you have them taken care of, the better. It’s also important to note that you must kill the eggs, not just the bed bugs, for your efforts to be effective. If you have this worry or notice a crawling creature around your house, look for companies that do bed bug exterminations.

You can ask for referrals of credible companies from family and friends or get them in the local directory. You can also do bed bug extermination yourself by using steam heat. It’s good to do this long before you deliver your baby boy. It’ll go a long way in making your home a haven for their arrival.

5. Consider Dog Boarding

Now, as a first time boy mom, you have looked for a dog daycare. However, there may be none in your neighborhood. Or, you’d want your dog to be in the company of others. It might be time to consider cage free dog boarding for some time. This will give you time to take care of your infant and, simultaneously, ensure your dog is taken care of comfortably in your absence and without worrying whether it’s safe or not.

In cage free dog boarding, the dog will be free to roam and play with other dogs without feeling restricted and anxious. They’ll relish the opportunity to exercise and socialize. Your furry friend won’t be bored without you; they’ll feel right at home, comfortable and happy. You can also have them fed and cleaned by requesting the service.

This will make your dog a better pet at home when you finally get it back. Dogs are social animals. In this case, it’ll make new friends. Look for an affordable place to take your pet for cage free dog boarding. Here, the dog will be in its natural element.

6. Take Care of Your Home’s Roofing Needs

A first time boy mom’s home should be well-cleaned and organized. Check your roof’s condition. The last thing you want in your house is a leaking roof, especially after bringing your baby boy home for the first time.

Contact a local roofer to schedule repairs so your house doesn’t leak when it rains, the sun isn’t too hot on your infant, and it’s not too cold during winter. Roof repair enables your house to withstand the impact of falling objects or hail storms.

Think of it as a preventive measure. Something not checked may become a major hazard in a short time. Don’t make the mistake of attempting DIY roofing repairs during this critical time. You and your baby boy are better off with a professional roofer.

7. Add Personal Touches

As a first time boy mom, your house and son need a clean and decorated touch. You have organized your house, done roof repairs, and worked to see how your dog will be cared for. Now, it’s time you looked for a reliable embroidery company to do some decorations around your house.

Compare the prices of the embroidery companies near you. Ask for referrals. You can decorate the seats, bedding, and curtains to give your house a new, welcoming touch. The clothes and shawls for your baby boy can be decorated by crocheting. The goal is to give the house and the baby boy a warm look and feel.

8. Keep an Auto Shop on Speed Dial

Cars break down and sometimes run out of gas. A first time boy mom doesn’t need to run around looking for gasoline or spare parts. There’s good news, however; there are some affordable yet reputable car repair shops in your neighborhood.

Have their contacts near you in case you need an urgent service, such as when the car fails to start. Some mechanics can repair your car from the comfort of your home as you look after your infant. Others can pick up your car for repair and return it at the end of the day.

Find a credible car repair shop you can work with. Pick up the spares you’ll likely need beforehand, which include engine oil and a spare tire. On that note, ensure your tires don’t have punctures, and if they have, get them repaired on time.

9. Work on Your Dental Health

As a first time boy mom, don’t forget about taking care of your dental health. Keeping up with your dental care needs helps avoid gum disease, leaving you with a healthy mouth. Carrying your pregnancy already requires a lot of calcium. Some mothers’ teeth get loose during pregnancy.

Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and drinking water is crucial. Brush your teeth twice a day. You don’t want to have bad breath, especially when breastfeeding and kissing your baby. Find a good dentist and schedule a visit at least twice a year for routine checkups.

10. Inspect the Plumbing

While it may not seem apparent, local plumbers are handy for first time boy moms. They can come to your house to fix a leaking toilet, faucet, or broken pipe. A local plumber can also refer you to another if they’re unavailable. You don’t want leaks or a smelly toilet in your house while nursing your baby.

A reliable local plumber will alert you if there’s no water in your neighborhood. They’ll go the extra mile to troubleshoot a problem in your house before it gets out of hand. If you’re changing houses, a plumber will also greatly help. They know what to connect to where in the new house.

A reliable plumber can also connect you to other reliable service providers to help you whenever you have an issue in your house. Since they work with different technicians, they understand each other’s competencies and can, therefore, give you appropriate referrals.

Being a first-time boy mom is exciting and challenging, from the day you know you’re expecting to the delivery date. It can also be a bittersweet experience as there are many things you need to take care of before the due date. However, don’t let the challenges rob you of the joys of one of the most memorable moments of your life.

Go ahead; use the tips in this guide to be a terrific first-time boy mom, and remember to enjoy every bit of the journey.

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