
Do You Need a Twin, Full, Queen, or King Size Adjustable Bed? Here’s How to Tell

Modern luxury elegant bedroom interior, chandelier frontThe decision to get an adjustable bed often comes after a long time of sleeplessness. Whether you have a chronic condition keeping you up at night or you can simply no longer get comfortable with a flat mattress, an adjustable bed may be the answer to your problems.

But how do you know which type of bed to choose? In addition to choosing a mattress, including memory foam options, you’ll also need to determine which sizes of adjustable beds would suit you best. Find out here if you need a twin, full, queen, or king size adjustable bed to help you sleep:

Twin Adjustable Beds
If you are the only one who will be using an adjustable bed, then you may be able to get away with getting a twin bed. Twin beds come in different lengths, so taller people can also enjoy this size mattress. This is also a great space-saving option for those in smaller living spaces.

Full Adjustable Beds
If you need a bit more room or need to sleep two to a bed, then a full size bed or double bed may be the answer. These beds will have one setting, so if both partners need to sleep sitting up, then this is an ideal match for them.

Queen Size Adjustable Beds
Queen size beds are often lumped together with full beds, but they typically have about an extra foot of width. Queen beds also differ from full size adjustable beds because they are built with either singular or dual controls. This means that some adjustable mattresses will only have one setting, so two people would have to share the same preferences for an incline when they sleep. However, dual controls make it easy for each partner to select their optimal level of comfort. In other words, if one partner likes to sleep sitting up but the other needs legs raised or has to sleep flat, it’s possible for both sides to get a good night’s sleep.

King Size Adjustable Beds
For the ultimate in luxury adjustable beds, king size may be just what you need. These beds also come with singular or dual controls, so you can have one setting or two for you and a partner. King size adjustable beds are about six and a half feet across, so they have more than enough room for two people to spread out. This is especially important if you have chronic pain or an illness that may prevent you from resting easily.

There are also many additional features that adjustable electric beds have. Craftmatic® brand adjustable beds, for instance, come equipped with optional heat and massage functions. These features can provide temporary relief from conditions such as low back pain, minor aches and pains due to muscular fatigue or overexertion, edema or swelling of the legs, poor local blood circulation of the legs, symptoms of hiatus hernia, nighttime heartburn, and symptoms of gastric reflux. Additionally, the heating accessory itself may provide temporary relief from mild arthritis and joint pain, as well as muscle pain associated with stress and tension. Sleeping in an upright position may even reduce or ease light and occasional snoring.

Have more questions about finding the right size bed? Leave a comment in the space provided and find the brand of adjustable bed that will work best for you.

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